I'm Ashlee, and I'm a colourful change maker, having fun whilst improving wellbeing outcomes for our communities!


Introducing The Many Hats I Wear...

A colourful and fun health coach...

So this afternoon I popped 8 posts onto my Facebook page to introduce myself, and here is what I said:

Kia ora!

With one of my (many) hats, I support schools and whanau to achieve a better holistic approach for learners.

I am a passionate advocate for wellbeing as a priority in educational spaces, empowering our learners through child-led play, trauma-informed practice, neurodiversity & developmentally aware approaches, and reducing the inequality divide.

Quite simply, I do not believe that our teachers can give their best to our kids if they don’t feel great,

and that our children cannot learn, and certainly not reach their potential, if they are not well.

Combining physical and mental health strategies, the latest scientific evidence on health and human development, lifestyle medicine and health coaching, a drive for inclusion and equity,

alongside a passionate, colourful and unique presentation (just check out my shoes!), I am an Educational Wellbeing Coach working to bring it all together.


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