I'm Ashlee, and I'm a colourful change maker, having fun whilst improving wellbeing outcomes for our communities!


More on those hats...

Part 2 on those Facebook intro posts...

I work with whanau (particularly in the neurodiversity advocacy and wellness space), educators both in school wellbeing workshops and one-on-one privately, and with school leaders (through FLAX), to improve health outcomes and then academic outcomes for our tamariki.



Another hat I wear is leading the amazing F L A X Mental Health Coaches in Education team – putting Mental Health Coaches into schools.

Our coaches do amazing work including ongoing staff workshops to achieve an identified goal, providing wellbeing resources for teachers to use in classrooms, addressing student behaviour in the classroom with teacher strategies such as mindfulness training, aromatherapy, ACT, breathing, emotional regulation and the use of language, supporting better health & wellbeing for staff through nutrition, mindfulness, movement, stress management, anxiety techniques, connection to the outdoors.

We provide one-on-one coaching and wellbeing guidance and support for teachers and work directly with families with helpful tools, tips, and tricks for navigating their unique obstacles through the magic of health and mental health coaching!

In this space, I love to support and empower our coaches as they step into the school space and make a difference to our students and teachers!



I love using my skills, qualifications and experience in coaching and health to support and empower women to live their best lives!

At Enspirited Wellness, I encourage women to LIVE an EXTRAORDINARY life by identifying their values and goals, supporting them through changes (behaviourial and habit change is tough when the world just wont slow down!), and connecting them with other women’s wellness experts that can take their wellbeing next level!

In the Enspirited Wellness space, I chat to other health coaches on the Uplifted! Podcast, run an online support group (come join us, we’re just about to start the PREKURE 21-day mental fitness challenge!) and am currently finalising our new wellbeing courses!



I’m a qualified and published writer!

I write short stories, novels and HEAPS of content for newsletters, websites, magazines and newspapers, courses, resources and and endless amount of meeting minutes, policy documents, and all the other admin writing that comes with my roles!

I have a novel with a publisher now, I co-wrote the Edgecumbe Flood Book – The Day The Wall Broke, I have published some other project books, have my short stories printed with Māia Publishing House and Huia Publishers, and I had a parenting column in our regional newspaper for two years.



I’m a huge advocate for child-led, nature-based, trauma-informed, neurodiversity-aware, inclusive spaces for our children.

I lead a beautiful team of educators in running a forest school in the Eastern Bay, where we get to put all the theory to the test on how to best support, grow, empower and enrich our little ones!

AT Tūhura Wilderness, our tamariki benefit from device-free, timetable-free, homework-free… in fact, building-free learning! We’ve taken away the walls, the expectations and the school bell for six hours of uninterrupted free child-led play that results in beautiful learning opportunities and discussions, lots of amazing brain healing (supported by the scientific evidence) and a safe and inclusive space.

Bringing my training, qualifications and experience to this space is such a privilege!



ALLLLLLLLLLLL my other hats!

*One of my biggest passions is advocacy in the governance space. I currently sit on two Boards.

*I volunteer on our town’s Community Emergency Response Team.

*I’m a student (I’m currently working on my second Master’s degree!)

*I’m a faculty member for training other health coaches

*I run an online disability support group

*I’m a very busy mama, and I homeschool.

*I’m someone who loves ‘MOMENTS’ – a beautiful flower… watching the sun set…. stars…. rainbows…. a stream trickling through a forest of ferns…. laughing with my friends… helping others… 

I’m a changemaker – I love to go into spaces and start or recreate something new and dynamic. I love to look outside the box and bring solutions that haven’t been thought of or tried before.

This is why I love coaching so much – I get to support others to move from ‘stuck’ to ‘aligned’ … life is too short not to be feeling amazing!


The biggest problem I see is that I consider many many of our issues for children in Aotearoa today to be a result of systemic failure. The Ministries that should be supporting and empowering people are instead failing at basic levels, and the systems seem to break people more than help.

That means that many solutions that DO help are not funded – which means real support becomes an equity issue. Those who need it the most simply cannot afford the help.

I run two charities and spend significant time chasing after grants, funding, sponsorship. The inequalities of money and resources in New Zealand can be heartbreaking.


Connection is critical. We need each other and we’re better off with each other.

If you’re ready to make a change in your life, message me this weekend and let’s come up with a plan on how I can support you to live a more energetic, values-led life!




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