I'm Ashlee, and I'm a colourful change maker, having fun whilst improving wellbeing outcomes for our communities!


An Old One ... on winter ills

An article on winter ills from LOOK

Make your own remedies for colds and flu’s this winter to keep healthy, naturally! Ashlee Sturme investigates some common homemade remedies.

Make a gargle for sore throats by steeping 1 tablespoon of raspberry leaves and 1 tablespoon of lemon juice in two cups of hot water, and mix in 1 teaspoon of good-quality manuka honey. Let the mixture cool to room temperature before gargling.

Use a heat pack for congested sinuses (stuffy faces are the pits!). Use a warmed wheatbag or heat a damp facecloth in very warm water.

Make up antibacterial sprays. For a room spray, add 6 drops of lavender oil and 3 drops of thyme oil to 2 cups of water. For a disinfectant spray, add ¼ cup of white vinegar, 6 drops of lavender oil and 6 drops of tea tree oil to cups of water (distilled is best) and use to disinfect surfaces where needed.

Add 1 drop of lemon, 2 drops of eucalyptus and 3 drops of rosemary to 1 teaspoon of a good quality massage oil such as almond, avocado or castor oil. Massage onto chest, back and sinus area.

James Wong, the British ethnobotanist and presenter of ‘Grow Your Own Drugs’, has some great remedies including throat lozenges and tonics for colds and flus. Some recipes can be accessed from tvnz.co.nz where you can check out the TV series, or visit a bookstore to get hold of one of his books. I think chicken soup can ease many symptoms of the body and mind and this is a great recipe.

Home Remedies Backed by Science

  • Turmeric.

  • Chili.

  • Ginger.

  • Shiitake.

  • Eucalyptus.

  • Lavender.

  • Mint.

  • Fenugreek.

Read more here: https://www.healthline.com/health/home-remedies


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